13 January 2009

What to do with all of those TRAVEL t-shirts?!

Have your kids collected t-shirts from far away lands, that just end up at second hand stores? In the homes of people that may not have any special memory or thought of that cool childhood trip? Or, maybe it's YOUR set of t-shirts you don't really want to part with, but don't know what to do with as they occupy more and more space from your globetrotting ways?! Well, personally I had this problem, and it was solved (well, my mother actually thought of the idea) by having 16 of them made into a really awesome keepsake - a QUILT of the t-shirts. Brilliant.

Not only do I have an extra toasty quilt for the Maine winters, but now I don't have to feel guilty for keeping a bunch of souvenir t-shirts that mostly did not fit well, but had cool logos and generate fun memories.

Here are a few sites online that do this. It's NOT cheap, but if you consider you are preserving a 'collection' AND getting a quilt out of the deal (or wall hanging), it's very economical. Think of it as a quilted scrapbook/collage. Plus, it's all handmade, that's pretty cool too!

This can be done for other themes too - Running races, graduation, animal tees, favorite annual fairs etc.

Here are a few sites that look great

- Patchwork Memories

Or go here for instructions (fee) to do it yourself!

What to do with all of those TRAVEL t-shirts?!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


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