05 February 2009

Let the Kids have a MAP!

Whether it's on the road, on a train, or in the air, giving a child perspective on the scale of the world (or town, or region) is a great way to keep them entertained. We are AAA members, and never miss out on an opportunity to get all the TripTiks, and individualized directions for our trips (especially road trips). With multiple types of maps of various scales, there's bound to be one that fits the developmental age (or range of ages) of your kid or kids.

Other ideas/Map Resources include:
* Google Maps - street maps, satellite maps, terrain maps, LOTS of options
* Expedia Maps
* Feeling Crafty? laminate a map (from above links, or also see more below) with the route highlighted, and let child put stickers on certain 'milestones', this can be done on more detailed for road trips, or less detail (more distance covered more quickly) for plane trips.
* Road Trip? Tape the map on the ceiling of the car where it's easily accessible and explainable for all!
* Flying? Print out a copy of each 'layover' airport (and start and ending airports, especially if there are NO layovers - lucky you!), and have an older child help figure out where you're coming into the airport, where the gate is, where to get a snack etc... (it's like a treasure hunt of sorts!)
Train Travel?
Other things to mark on Maps (these can even just be of your city/town)
  • Your/the child's favorite spots, school, day care, grocery store, post office, etc.
  • Relative's and/or Friend's homes
  • Mileage/Time (and compare it to something they are familiar with, for example, "the first flight will take as long as it takes to ride your bike at the park to the bridge and back", or "we will stop for a bathroom break after we've driven the distance it takes to get to Grandma's house" etc..)
  • Cool stuff to see along the way
  • State or Country Capitals
  • Meal breaks
  • State/Country borders
  • Use your imagination, kids will love playing a part in the journey getting there
Your kids will be learning map reading skills without even realizing.
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