30 April 2009

Be creative - Games on the Go

We've all done it. You're in the car (took way longer to get there for some reason), airport delay, stuck in a hotel due to weather... what to do? Bags are packed (missing, already used up the reserve activities..) and "nothing to do".

One of our favorite games in a pinch is the "how many uses for" game. First person gets to pick out something (towel, a trinket from the glove compartment, an item from a handbag etc..), passes it to the next person, who has to come up a 'new' use for it. Then that person hands it to the next person, and they have to come up with a use, and so forth, until someone gets stuck coming up with a 'use' (you can set some period of time, 30 seconds etc.). That person then has to find a new item (or, if your family is competitive, that person gets a 'point', and the person at the end of the game with the least points wins). Of course, coming up with the item's actual use doesn't count.

Looking for 'prop' ideas...
In a Hotel Room
  • Towels
  • Phone Book
  • Pillows
  • Shampoo (is it a magic potion?)
In the Car (dare we admit what has accumulated in our glove compartment.. surely NOT any gloves!)
  • Plastic spoons
  • Extra straws
  • Spare cheap sunglasses (oh, these are great for disguise games!)
  • bandana
  • first aid kit
On an Airplane
  • the 'toss your cookies' bag (make sure it's unused!)
  • beverage cup (especially if you've had to pay for it, re-use and get your moneys worth!)
  • napkins
  • headphones
  • the Sky Mall/In-flight magazine
Handbag (use the items for the shapes to spark imagination, not for their actual uses)
  • Coins
  • lip balm
  • credit card (we usually pull out the health Insurance card, not really a CC)
  • gum pack
  • if you're anything like me, you'll be surprised what you find in there
Of course, our website has all kinds of things to help avoid this 'what do we do' problem, but we thought we'd share our simple game with you!

If we could recommend one item, try a Playsilk from Sarah's Silks, it'll present endless possibilities and it packs in a pocket!
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  1. Would love to win this. Contact me when I win at pursesbymiche@gmail.com. Cindy

  2. Would love to win this. Contact me when I win at pursesbymiche@gmail.com. Cindy


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