03 September 2009

Enjoying the Preparation as much as the Trip?!

I've just sent my oldest off to 1st grade this week, and with Labor Day on the horizon, I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by the thought of a 2-night camping trip we have planned with friends. Not that camping is too big of a deal, but when we add the element of 'island' and canoeing to that island, it gets a bit more complicated.

My first reaction is that it's a LOT of work for a couple of days, 3 other families, kids, meal planning, bugs (yes, our screwed up climate has brought Maine the seemingly longest bug season ever), gear, gear, gear. Don't get me wrong, I am an outdoors person, and in fact, LOVE that my husband and I have collected over the years, piles of fine gear. I am excited to use it. But, with the start of school, moving across town to a new home, my business, etc. it seems like another thing to add to the list.

So, I pause. Deep breath. (another few deep breaths...)

Now, preparation aside, it's going to be great. Unplugged, beach play, paddling, good conversation, great food (we always eat well, and thankfully, I've been fortunate to have equally skilled cooks as friends!), and for all the reasons in a previous paragraph, the PERFECT time to get away from it all. It's like anything else, make a bunch of excuses, don't go, regret it vs. commit to it, enjoy the planning and anticipation, NO regrets.

One thing I have realized is that when packing for these sort of 'trips', even though we are only driving a couple of hours, then paddling a canoe 1/2-mile or so, with everything else going on, I have NO time to really think about what I need to pack. Thankfully (yes, I'm anal this way), I have an excel workbook full of packing lists, and each sheet is a different type of trip, which I faithfully update post-trip with all those things I should have brought. These lists are a little work, but in the end, prevent re-writing, and remembering everything, every time.

As a revel in my overwhelming list from the last camping trip, I have added a 'menu' section, so as not to overpack food for less than 48 total hours. This has become especially helpful for pre-trip grocery shopping, condiment packing, etc.

As a group, we have picked 2 themes, one for Saturday's dinner (Caribbean) and one for Sunday's dinner (Asian), so, we are bringing a pot of properly themed 'stew', and Sushi for Sunday.

Anyone want to join us? Next post will be a follow up to what we did, how we entertained the kids, what we discovered, learned, and won't do again!!

Enjoying the Preparation as much as the Trip?!SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend


  1. I wish we could come! Had big plans for multiple camping trips this summer (or at least ONE!) and, well yeah, you know what we did instead! Have fun - I am envious.

  2. Anticipation and preparation for a trip gives its own enjoyment in addition to that of the trip itself. It also lessens the 'over' feeling while we are returning back.

  3. Would you be willing to share your list? :) Our first camping trip, I found that I packed too much and we only have a sedan car. Luckily, we camped only 10 minutes from our house. But next trip, I want to venture out a bit more.


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