06 October 2009

Where to go when it's RAINING....

...... without leaving where you are.

It's raining, you're on a wonderful trip to a tropical setting (or, maybe you are JUST at home!), with the beach in mind
, but the weather is NOT cooperating. A couple of young children (but mostly YOU) are bummed about being inside. What to do?

Of course, you can do things like go to a movie, find a Children's Museum, or other activities that cost money. BUT, we find this is the best time to take those "imaginary journeys", make the best of it, and hope the weather is perfect (or at least adequate) soon.

How? We have a few suggestions.

First of all, we recommend taking along Sarah's Silks Play Silks, which have MANY uses.
  • for infants/toddlers: peek-a-boo
  • preschoolers: 'super-heroes', wizards or princesses, as the silks can be tied as a cape or as a headdress
  • for school-age: dress up is still a great activity, or use the silks to make forts with chairs; we also like to use silks for play surfaces; green for magic forests, blue for mythical oceans
One of our favorite school-age (and up) 'imaginary' journey activities is the Think-ets Storytelling Game. Why you may ask? It's a simple concept - a small mesh bag with at least 10 little random trinkets in it. There are many variations, but basically, the idea is for someone to pick one, begin a story, the next person then picks one, continues, and so on. One could also pick multiple 'trinkets' to start the story. Never the same story twice, and you can even add your own little treasure 'trinket' pieces to expand the options. OR, get multiple sets!

Want to go all out? Don't want to sacrifice the
furniture to the 'hideout' or 'fort' building? Try a Crazy Fort Construction Kit, and make a castle, an igloo, or just a cube and throw any old sheet on top. Better yet, take an old sheet and let the kids draw details on their creation. Packs easily back in the box it comes in, and simple to take along for emergency 'bad weather', especially for road trips, or visits to Grandma/pa's house!

Where were all of these innovative things when I was a kid??

Before you know it, the weather will improve (or at least everyone's mood will!) and you'll wonder where the time went.

For more 'Rainy Day' or 'At the Destination' ideas check this LINK.
And, remember, sometimes the best journeys go no where at all except in the mind.
Where to go when it's RAINING....SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

1 comment:

  1. This is such a great idea to keep kids occupied on a rainy day. I wish I had one when I was growing up!


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